The Ultimate College Application Timeline: A Step-by-Step Guide

08/03/202319 minute read
The Ultimate College Application Timeline: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the college application process, you're not alone. It's challenging to keep track of so many deadlines, documents, and decisions. That's why we've created the ultimate college application timeline — to help you navigate this stage with confidence. This timeline keeps you on track by breaking down the application process into small, manageable steps. Maybe you're just starting to think about college. Or maybe you feel like you’re drowning in the application process. Either way, this guide will give you the tools you need to make your college dreams a reality. Read on and breathe a sigh of relief!

Freshman and Sophomore Year: Laying the Foundation

The first two years of high school are about exploring your interests and building a strong academic foundation. This is also a great time to consider your “personal brand” — or the story you’ll tell about yourself when you build your application. 

College may be years away, but what can you do during these two years to prepare?

Take Challenging Courses 

Admissions officers don’t just look for impressive test scores and a high Grade Point Average (GPA). They want to see that you chose challenging courses, relative to what your school offers — and that you did well in them. If your school offers AP courses, plan to take as many as you can. Outside the core curriculum, prioritize courses that align with your interests.

Explore Extracurricular Activities

In case you haven’t heard: being “well-rounded” is no longer the goal. Now, it’s all about being “well-lopsided.” This means excelling in the classroom and on campus, but also having an in-depth passion or skill that goes deeper than your peers. Admissions officers want to see authentic interest and initiative — something you can’t fake by sampling activities here and there. 

Once you land on some areas of interest, choose activities in which you can demonstrate leadership. You can do this through institutional routes, like by becoming team captain or club president. But if that’s not for you, don’t stress! You can also: 

For more inspiration, check out this blog post for 18 examples of extracurriculars that look great on college applications.

Consider Potential Career Paths and College Majors 

Start thinking about which career you might like to pursue. You might:

  • Attend career fairs.
  • Job shadow professionals.
  • Take advantage of online resources like Crimson Careers to learn about different industries and areas of study. 

This exploration will help you make informed decisions about your future. It’ll also show admissions officers that you’ll be a contributing member of your school’s community!

Not sure what to major in yet? This quiz can help you narrow it down!

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Build Relationships with Teachers and Counselors 

Trusted adults and mentors can give valuable guidance throughout the college application process. Seek their advice when choosing courses or considering  extracurricular opportunities. Show respect in class, ask questions, and attend office hours to build a deeper connection.

Developing strong relationships with your teachers and counselors will also enable them to write strong recommendation letters on your behalf when the time comes.

Consider Your Personal Brand

You probably didn’t see this one coming! You may not be a business, but everyone has their own “personal brand.” People perceive you in a certain way. By taking charge of your personal brand, you can determine how admissions officers think and feel when they come across your application.

Freshman/Sophomore Year: 2-3 Years Before Application Year
JuneChoose enriching activities and learning opportunities this summer! Read more about the best ways to spend your summer in preparation for college applications. Consider signing up for extra courses (Coursera, EDx) or find a book to expand your area of interest
JulyStart a journal that logs your experiences of taking a course, extracurricular, or book you read this summer.
AugustExplore extracurriculars. If you are interested in sports, join teams early!
SeptemberReflect on which subjects you are most interested in.
NovemberStart thinking about where you’d like to go to college. Learn more about the types of students that your dream university admits.
DecemberAssess your strengths and weaknesses. Which subjects are you enjoying? Are you closer to achieving your goals?
JanuaryTake a mock SAT test — use our mini SAT, found at the bottom of this page. Map out your goals for the new school year.
FebruaryStart to think about what type of learner you are. How can you improve your studying?
MarchThink about your university goals. Do you want to study overseas? Learn more about studying in the US and UK by reading our US vs. UK eBook, found at the bottom of this page.
MayStart researching the PSAT and decide if you will take it.

Junior Year: Researching Schools and Preparing For Standardized Tests

You’ve made it halfway through high school, and on to the most important parts of the college application process! It’s time to get really organized and take your standardized tests.

First, create a college application checklist. Include important deadlines, required documents, and any other materials you’ll need to submit.

Next, think about which standardized tests you need to take — and when you should take them. Most colleges require either the SAT or ACT. Some may also require subject tests. Research the testing requirements of the colleges you're interested in and create a study plan that allows you to adequately prepare.

To maximize your score potential, consider:

Visit Colleges

Junior year is also a great time to start visiting colleges and attending college fairs. Visiting a campus helps you experience the culture and feel of a school in a way that online research can’t. During your visit, do your best to connect with current students. Read more about how to make the most out of your college visit here. But if you can’t make it to a campus, no big deal! Check out our Youtube series  A Day in the Life to get a taste of life at your target school.

Summer Before Senior Year: Narrowing Down Your Options

The “lull” of summer before senior year is an ideal time to research colleges without having to balance academics. Create a list of criteria that are important to you, such as:

  • Location.
  • Size.
  • Academic programs.
  • Extracurricular offerings.

Use online resources like college websites to gather information about schools that align with your criteria.

TIP: Some schools have programs that allow you to connect to current students or alumni. Reach out to the admissions office to learn more about this possibility.

Once you have a list of potential colleges, dive a little deeper. Attend virtual information sessions and explore social media accounts to get a sense of the campus culture and community. This research will help you determine which colleges are the best fit for you. Then, you can tailor your college application materials accordingly.

As you narrow down your options, consider creating a spreadsheet or using an online tool (like Asana) to keep track of important information such as application deadlines, required essays, and financial aid opportunities. This will help you stay on top of the college application process.

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Junior Year: 1 Year Before Application Year
JulyUse this month to research universities and majors. Create a list of safety, target, and reach schools.
AugustFocus on getting the best grades possible. Make any final changes to your extracurriculars.
SeptemberSign up for the SAT.
OctoberLast chance to take the SAT if you plan to apply to college Early Admission or Early Decision.
NovemberDiscuss college application plans with your school counselor and take a look at scholarship options.
MarchStart thinking about which teachers you will ask for recommendations.
AprilThink about what you will do this summer to continue building your candidacy! Apply to internships, enroll in classes, or plan projects.

Senior year: Submitting Applications

Finalize Your College List

Application year has finally arrived! It's time to finalize your college list and start building your application. Hopefully you’ve made your Common App account by now! Review your research and make the final call on which colleges you’ll apply to. 

Tip: Consider applying to a mix of reach, target, and safety schools to increase your chances of acceptance.

Prepare Application Materials

Next, gather all the necessary materials for your college applications, including:

  • Transcripts: Including grade scale
  • Test scores: Only submit if they are within the average range or higher than those accepted to your target schools. 
  • Recommendation letters: Reach out to those writing them to make sure they have everything needed.
  • Essays: Start working on these EARLY to allow for multiple drafts and revisions.

Once you have all your materials, create a master calendar. Include all the application deadlines and requirements for each college. 

TIP: Consider setting reminders for important deadlines to avoid any last-minute stress!

Submit Applications 

Take the time to carefully review each application before submitting. Inaccurate or incomplete information could get your application tossed! Proofread your essays and have someone else read them as well to catch any errors or inconsistencies.

Complete Financial Aid Forms

In addition to the college applications, you'll also need to complete financial aid forms such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the CSS Profile at this time. These forms will determine your eligibility for financial aid, including grants, scholarships, and loans. 

Gather all the necessary financial documents and follow the instructions carefully!

Wait for Admissions Decisions

The spring of senior year is filled with anticipation as you wait for admissions decisions to roll in. Remember: this is a stressful time for many students, and it's important to take care of yourself. Stay engaged in your schoolwork, continue participating in extracurricular activities, and spend time with friends and family!

Compare Financial Aid Offers

As the admissions decisions start arriving, celebrate your acceptances and carefully consider your options. Take the time to compare financial aid offers and weigh the pros and cons of each college. Visit campus again if possible, or attend virtual sessions to get a better sense of the colleges that have accepted you.

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Senior Year: Application Year!
JuneConfirm teacher recommendations. Confirm Common App essay topic of choice.
JulyFinalize School list. Decide on Early Decision and Early Admission schools. Write the first draft of your Common App essay. Write the final draft of your Common App Activities List.
AugustCommon App opens! Make your account. Start finalizing your Common App essay.
SeptemberWork on Early Admission and Early Decision supplemental essays. Begin filling out financial aid forms.
OctoberComplete your essay draft and Activities List for the UC application.
NovemberEarly Action and Early Decision applications deadline. Sign up for the December SAT if necessary. UC applications deadline.
DecemberEarly Decision and Early Admission decisions released. Last chance for SAT for regular decision applications.
JanuaryFinal touches for college applications. Prep for any upcoming interviews with alumni.
MarchCheck to see which admissions tests your dream university will require.
AprilConfirm your choice of major.
MayNotify the university you've decided to go to. You did it!

Making the Final Decision: Choosing the Right College for You

When it comes time to make your final decision, trust your instincts and choose the college that feels like the best fit for you. Consider factors such as: 

  • Academic programs.
  • Campus culture.
  • Location.
  • Financial aid.
  • Career opportunities. 

Remember that this decision is about finding the college where you will thrive and grow both academically and personally.

Before accepting your offer of admission, be sure to carefully review any financial aid packages. You’re surely excited, but consider the long-term implications of your decision. Contact the college's admissions office if you have any questions. Once you've made your decision, take a deep breath and celebrate! 

Tips for a Successful College Application Process

Keep these tips in mind throughout the college application process:

1. Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to research colleges, prepare for tests, and complete applications. This is especially true for your essays! Procrastination can make you stressed and tarnish the quality of your work.

2. Stay organized: Use calendars, checklists, and online tools to keep track of important deadlines and requirements.

3. Seek help when needed: Reach out to teachers, counselors, or college admissions professionals for guidance and support. It’s normal to feel lost, and they are there to help you succeed.

4. Be authentic: When building your application, be true to yourself. Admissions officers value authenticity. Seriously — they want to get to know the real you!

5. Take care of yourself: The college application process can be stressful. Please prioritize your mental and physical well-being. Make time for self-care activities, and lean on your support system when needed.

Conclusion: Celebrating Your Achievements and Looking Forward to the Future

Congratulations! If you’ve followed this ultimate college application timeline, you've successfully navigated the college application process. You are one step closer to achieving your career goals! Celebrate your hard work and accomplishments, knowing that you've put your best foot forward.

For even MORE guidance on getting into a top university, including timelines and application deadlines, download our FREE eBook, US & UK University Admission Planner.

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Further Reading:

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