Columbia Accepts 4.28% of Applicants to Class of 2029
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Getting a job upon graduation is one of the most important aspects of university life. Times Higher Education released a ranking of universities producing the employable graduates. Companies around the world ranked 250 institutions in 44 countries in the Global University Employability Ranking 2022, designed by HR consultancy Emerging. Employers voted for institutions both in their own country and around the world, if they recruit internationally.
In some countries, graduate jobs are not easy to come by, but in European countries such as France, Switzerland and Germany, professional experience is built into degree programmes.
France, Germany and China are among the best represented countries in the employability ranking, along with the UK and the US. Singapore, Japan and the UK each have an institution in the top 10, with Japanese and Canadian universities also appearing high in the ranking.
MIT topped the list, followed by Caltech, Harvard, Cambridge and Stanford. All these universities maintained their rank from the previous year as well.
Oxford moved up from the eighth spot last year to the sixth in 2022; University of Tokyo dropped from the sixth to seventh; National University of Singapore and Princeton moved up a spot to eighth and ninth, respectively; and Yale dropped from seventh place last year to round out the top 10.
While the top 10 list was dominated by American universities, the following 10 was made up of a number of international institutions. University of Toronto, Technical University of Munich, Peking University, ETH Zurich, Imperial College of London, CentraleSupelec in France, IE University in Spain and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne made it to the top 20 along with Columbia and NYU.