How Can a University Admissions Consultant Help You with Your Applications?

08/10/202112 minute read
How Can a University Admissions Consultant Help You with Your Applications?

As a secondary school student, you probably dread the question, “Where are you going to university?” because it often brings feelings of stress, panic, and nervousness. It’s not that you don’t want to attend university; in fact, 2.83 million UK students attended universities in 2022. It’s because the admissions process can feel overwhelming, and getting into university is becoming more and more competitive.

Students turn to university admissions consultants to help them have the best chances of getting into their dream university. On a practical level, they’re looking for a person (or a team of people) who can help with applications and relieve the stress of applying to universities. They’re looking for people to help them:

  • Keep track of deadlines
  • Answer questions about A Levels, GCSEs and IB
  • Determine the best time to visit universities
  • Answer questions about the application process
  • Decide which universities they can get in
  • Build a list of dream, target, and safety universities

As a highly qualified and talented student, you may not get into your dream university because you simply don’t have the support you need. While you have the knowledge and motivation universities look for in a student, you may not understand the application process or how to approach each aspect of the application package. Working with a qualified and experienced university admission consultant will give you the confidence you need to put your best foot forward.

Crimson Education is the world’s leading university admissions consulting company. Our students' disproportionately high success rate is due to our unique model, which teams them with Ivy/Oxbridge and other top university graduate experts. These experts work with students one-on-one to perfect every part of their application. Book a meeting with an expert Academic Advisor to learn more about our Admissions Support Programme.

What do university admissions consultants do?Dsc 6276

Many schools have guidance counsellors who help students with questions about university applications. Unfortunately, they’re often stretched too thin due to budget constraints and the number of students they can help. That’s why an external university admissions consultant (or university admissions advisor) is so important. They come alongside you and your family, guiding you through the university admissions process. University admissions consultants are trained and experienced professionals who help you prepare in all aspects of the university admissions process.

A university admissions consultant is more than someone who helps you prepare your university application. A quality consultant also offers positive encouragement, educated guidance, and helpful advice so that you can make the most of your secondary school experience.

Families often hire university admissions consultants in early secondary school to get a successful head start in the university admissions process. If parents hire an admissions consultant in the early part of secondary school, they can help students to:

  • Engage in fulfilling and enriching supercurriculars or extracurriculars
  • Find opportunities to grow and tailor their interests (build their story)
  • Discover universities and programmes that complement their strengths
  • Help students become more competitive university applicants
  • Manage stress and deadlines
  • Master challenging classes at school including A-Levels and IB subjects
  • Build time management skills
  • Decide on a major, write their personal statement or essay and practice for their admissions interviews

Ready to take your university application process to the next level? Speak to a Crimson mentor today.

Is university admissions assistance legit?

University admissions consultants have come under fire in recent years. Some consulting agencies do not comply with the principles and ethical standards set by institutions like the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), the British Council, or the International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC). So, it’s not surprising that families are wary of university admissions agencies and how much they can help students in their education journey.

Crimson Education is a member of the International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC). We attribute our high rate of success to two principles. First, Crimson only hires the best tutors and mentors from across the globe, so students only receive the highest quality counselling, tutoring, admissions support, and mentoring services. Second, our highly qualified experts walk with their students through every part of the UK and US application processes. Learn more about our Admissions Support Program.

How Aabha Got Into Oxford

Do I need a university admissions consultant?

Applying to university wasn’t always so complicated. Most universities asked for a few forms, standardised test scores, your class rank, and maybe a short personal statement. Then, you just waited a few months for an acceptance or rejection letter.

Today, university admissions are much more competitive, and the university application process includes countless moving pieces. Top universities have admissions rates well under 10%, and even moderately-ranked universities are hovering between 10-30%. Additionally, while the application process includes many more pieces and deadlines, the UCAS has made it easier to apply to multiple universities simultaneously.

A university admissions consultant not only understands the application process, but they can also walk with you as you embark on your university admissions journey.

Do university admissions consultants really help?

A university admissions consultant serves you and your family by guiding you through the complicated process of applying for a university. They help you create a timeline, build a list of universities, suggest supercurriculars, provide feedback on personal statements, review grades, and decrease overall university application stress.

Ideally, a university consultant should start working with you well before filling out the actual application. Understandably, you and your parents will have a lot of questions. One of the jobs of a university admissions consultant is to ease the stress and answer those questions! Here are just a few common questions we get:

  • What should I do during the summer months to help boost my university application?
  • Am I taking the right classes?
  • Do lots of supercurricular activities look good on a university application?
  • Which university is good for my chosen major?
  • Are all application deadlines the same?
  • What helps a university application stand out?
  • What financial aid packages are available for me?

While a secondary school counsellor can answer some of these questions, they don’t have the time or resources to guide every student through the competitive admissions process. That’s why it’s important to hire a university counsellor who can help with strategy, super-curricular recommendations, summer projects, and your overall application profile.

It’s hard to stand out from the rest of the qualified applicants. An admissions consultant knows what selective universities look for and helps you present yourself in the best possible light.

Parents don’t always have the time or energy to keep track of the deadlines, testing dates, personal statements, etc. A university admissions consultant takes care of all of that for them!

Can an admissions consultant help me choose the right university?

University is expensive, and choosing the wrong one could mean unnecessary expenses for your family. An admissions consultant helps you narrow down your university selections to the ones that best fit your academic goals and interests. While a university admissions consultant is an added expense, they offer unmatched guidance and dedicate themselves to your success.

University Admissions Success Stories

Crimson’s university admissions consultants help students gain acceptance into the world’s top universities. Consultants define success as knowing their students are studying at their dream university, making advancements in their areas of study, and changing the world. Read some of Crimson’s student success stories and watch Crimson testimonial videos on our YouTube channel.

How Linda Got Into Cambridge Medicine

How can a Crimson university admissions consultant help me?

Crimson is proud to be part of your journey to university admission. We match you with a dedicated personal support team to help with each area of your application. With more than 3,000 mentors and tutors, our team has first-hand knowledge and experience about the entire university application process. Our unique personality test pairs you with mentors based on personality type, learning and teaching styles, and interests.

Depending on your program, you could have team members in the following areas:

  • Student Success Manager
  • Strategist, Extracurricular & Leadership (ECL) Mentor
  • Application Mentor

Crimson offers exclusive content to our students and free university admission resources such as informative webinars and events, eBooks, or practice standardised tests.

Why Crimson is the top choice university admissions consultancy

Crimson Education recruits highly qualified staff who are the best of the best. Our strategists, mentors, and tutors are graduates from top universities such as Oxford, and Cambridge and our students are up to 3x more likely to gain admission to top UK universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, King's College London, and many more!

What Makes Crimson Different

Final Thoughts

While there are many free university admissions resources available online, expert support only comes from qualified university admissions consultants. Crimson’s admissions experts help with everything, including tutoring, choosing courses, building strong supercurricular and leadership profiles, crafting personal statements, and preparing for interviews.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a 1:1 consultation with one of our academic advisors. They can’t wait to tell you how Crimson can help you reach your university admission goals.