高中生研究論文40多個推薦主題 - 人文、科技、政治、體育

2024-02-207 minute read
高中生研究論文40多個推薦主題 - 人文、科技、政治、體育










  • 學習在你日常課程中未涉及的新訊息
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  • 從被動學習轉為積極探索假設,並為科學、公共政策或問題解決做出貢獻
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  • 主題是否足夠開放? 該主題是否可以通過證據、批判性思維、案例研究方法或某種形式的科學方法進行探索?
  • 主題是否相關且有趣? 該主題是否促進了學術或學者的討論?或者是否對某個公共利益或社會辯論領域有所貢獻?或者它是否具有某種科學價值?



  1. Should high schools re-invest in vocational education or focus exclusively on a college prep curriculum? 高中應該重新投資於職業教育還是專注於大學預備課程?
  2. Should ethnic studies courses and curricula in public schools be required, optional, or eliminated ? 公立學校的民族研究課程和課程應該是強制、可選還是取消?
  3. How can we predict the impacts tools like Chat-GPT will have on student learning? 我們如何預測像Chat-GPT這樣的工具對學生學習的影響?
  4. Should countries have national curriculum standards, or should local communities and school boards decide what is taught in schools? 各國應該制定全國課程標準,還是讓地方社區和學校董事會決定學校教授什麼課程?
  5. What countries appear to have the best education systems and what features do they have in common, if any? 哪些國家看起來擁有最好的教育系統,它們有什麼共同特點?


  1. What do important examples in history teach us about the causes of civil war and how to prevent civil war? 重要的歷史案例告訴我們什麼關於內戰的原因以及如何預防內戰?
  2. Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt are among the highest ranking US presidents, based on scholarly estimations and public opinions. What do their presidencies teach us about the qualities of great political leadership? 亞伯拉罕·林肯和富蘭克林·德拉諾·羅斯福是美國歷史上最著名的總統之一,他們的總統任期教會我們偉大政治領導力所需的哪些特質?
  3. What constitutes the US’s greatest military or national defense failure? What lessons  can policymakers draw from it? 什麼構成了美國最偉大的軍事或國防失敗?政策制定者可以從中汲取哪些教訓?
  4. Does the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict offer any insights into how to end it today? 以色列-巴勒斯坦衝突的歷史是否提供了如何解決當前衝突的見解?
  5. What can we learn about democracy today based on the successes and failures of ancient experiments in democracy? 我們可以從歷史上民主實驗的成功與失敗中學到什麼關於當今的民主?
  6. If used as primary source evidence by historians, how can art illuminate social history or social progress? 如果藝術被用作歷史學家的原始資料證據,藝術如何啟示社會歷史或社會進步?


  1. Should we protect or abolish the Electoral College in the US? 我們應該保護還是廢除美國的選舉人團制度?
  2. Using Canada as a model, what are the pros and cons of a nationalized healthcare system? 以加拿大為模型,國家化的醫療系統的利弊是什麼?
  3. Is affirmative action good public policy? 平權行動政策是否是良好的公共政策?
  4. Should we reform the US Supreme Court? Why or why not? 我們應該改革美國最高法院嗎?為什麼?
  5. Using carbon cap & trade policy, or a similar economic policy as an example, how effective are economic incentives for solving big social problems? 以碳排放交易政策或類似的經濟政策為例,經濟激勵措施在解決重大社會問題方面的效果如何?
  6. Should there be a global revenue tax on large global technology companies? 是否應該對大型全球科技公司徵收全球收入稅?
  7. Should industrial countries do more to help developing countries cope with the effects of climate change? 工業化國家是否應該為幫助發展中國家應對氣候變化的影響做出更多努力?


  1. How does literature give a voice to the voiceless? 文學如何為無聲者發聲?
  2. Why are some books banned or censored? 為什麼有些書籍被禁或審查?
  3. Is literature educational or just entertainment? 文學是教育性的還是僅僅是娛樂?
  4. Do graphic novels count as literature? 漫畫小說是否算作文學?
  5. What characterizes the works of authors who have won Nobel Prizes for literature? 獲得諾貝爾文學獎的作家的作品有什麼特點?
  6. Can literature —  in the form of novels, short stories, essays, or plays — change the course of history? 文學(小說、短篇故事、散文或劇本)是否能改變歷史進程?


  1. What are the best ways to reduce and prevent bullying? 減少和預防霸凌的最佳方法是什麼?
  2. Should we criminalize hate speech? 我們是否應該將仇恨言論定為犯罪行為?
  3. Since loneliness has been shown to decrease life expectancy, are there any promising ways to combat it? 由於孤獨已被證明會降低壽命,有哪些有前景的方法可以對抗孤獨?
  4. What can schools do to help reduce mental health suffering in teens and young adults? 學校能做什麼來幫助減少青少年和年輕人的心理健康困擾?
  5. Do we truly live in an “age of anxiety”? What do the indicators tell us about the scope of the problem and possible remedies? 我們是否真的生活在「焦慮時代」?指標告訴我們問題的範圍和可能的解決方案是什麼?


  1. Should college athletes get paid? 大學運動員應該得到報酬嗎?
  2. What are the benefits and downsides of participating in athletics in high school? 參與高中體育的優點和缺點是什麼?
  3. What sports should be eliminated from the Olympics and which ones added? Why? 哪些運動項目應該從奧運會中被取消,哪些應該加入?為什麼?
  4. How can we use sports to increase international goodwill and cooperation? 我們如何利用體育增強國際善意和合作?


  1. Should there be more age restrictions on social media access? 應該對社群媒體訪問設置更多年齡限制嗎?
  2. How can society address hate speech and/or disinformation in social media? 社會應如何解決社群媒體中的仇恨言論和/或虛假信息?
  3. Should employers encourage or discourage more remote work arrangements? 僱主應該鼓勵還是不鼓勵更多的遠端工作安排?



  1. What concept(s) from the field of economics might help us find ways to improve education? 經濟學的概念如何幫助我們改善教育?
  2. How can we use marketing principles to develop better public awareness campaigns for reducing teen vaping? 我們如何利用行銷原則開發更好的公共意識宣傳活動,以減少青少年吸菸?
  3. Does participating in team sports help improve mental health? 參加團隊運動是否有助於改善心理健康?
  4. How can we apply insights from either microeconomics or from organizational psychology to improve health and fitness? 我們如何應用微觀經濟學或組織心理學的見解來改善健康和健身?
  5. How can concepts from the study of linguistics help us understand political messaging and address political polarization? 語言學研究中的概念如何幫助我們理解政治信息傳遞並解決政治兩極化?
  6. What are additional ways we can leverage economic incentives to combat global warming? 我們可以利用哪些其他經濟激勵措施來對抗全球變暖?
  7. Does mainstream advertising have an impact on social prejudices and stereotypes? 主流廣告是否會對社會偏見和刻板印象產生影響?

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