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QS World
THE World Rankings
Restrictive Early Action: Nov. 1
Regular Decision: Jan. 3
2 Teacher Recommendations
Required for Most International Students
Although Caltech is world renowned for everything STEM, a significant majority of undergraduates are aiming to obtain bachelor's degrees in Computer Science.
Mechanical Engineering is the most popular area of engineering specialization among Caltech students, followed by Electrical, Chemical, and Biological and Biomedical Engineering.
With research operations encompassing astronomy, jet propulsion, and seismic engineering, Caltech offers a great destination for physics majors, with courses on wave theory, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and particle physics, among others.
Mathematics is the science of order, predictability, and modeling, providing a crucial foundation across STEM majors. About 7% of students major in General Mathematics at Caltech, and another 3% in Computational Mathematics.
Biology students learn about the building blocks and organic processes of life, enabling them to pursue specialized learning and career goals in health and medicine fields or environmental endeavors, including bioengineering disciplines.