Study Tuition-Free at the University of Texas? Learn Why More Texans Will Qualify in 2025.
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Let’s face facts - studying abroad and getting a tertiary education overseas isn’t cheap. Not only do the most competitive institutions ask for a lot in tuition fees, but living costs are going to eat into your wallet like no tomorrow.
Many top US and UK schools help people with their bottom line offering financial aid, including scholarships, bursaries and loans.
But aren’t they competitive? Don’t I need to be destitute to apply? How do I know I qualify? Isn’t it all a massive headache?
Sure, university scholarships can be competitive and have a lot of red-tape when applying, but guess what - it doesn’t always have to be difficult, or competitive, or restrictive. Some scholarships are for everybody, including you.
Here are some general tips for winning scholarships in general - including international scholarships. Making your life a little easier no matter which one you're targeting.
The following scholarships aren’t in any particular order, but were chosen for their simplicity to apply. This list should give you an excellent jumping-off point to start your financial aid journey.
Scams exist.
All you need to apply is a proof of enrollment and a grade point average above 2.5 - couldn’t be simpler.
While restricted to US citizens, it’s worth noting that Dr. Pepper hands out A LOT of cash for very little effort. The video component also requires a bit of product placement. It’s a bit icky, but $100k for 350 words - that’s $286 dollars a word (J.K. Rowling eat your heart out).
You want easy, this is it. Perform marketing activities, such as completing surveys, referring friends, reading emails and articles, to earn points. Use those points to enter random draws and perhaps win a scholarship. Basically, you’re trading your personal and social network data for a small chance at some scholarship money.
After registering, you take a few quizzes on subjects, such as books, websites, movies, and try to win some money. A non-profit institution that tries to give everyone a fair chance at financial aid.
A great scholarship opportunity for those looking to study in the UK. You’ll need some skills with video and editing - they’re looking for people to stand out, so be prepared to add some creativity.
Okay, yep. This one is included for being weird. It’s an online quiz and essay for anyone in their final year of high school in the US. You get money if you can show how automatic fire sprinklers have positive effects… seriously.
This scholarship is specifically for Chinese or British students in STEM fields looking to advance their education in each other’s country. It’s fairly rigorous application process - defeating the purpose of this article - but it’s niche is so specific and it’s awareness low that it’s worth bringing up.
Drop your name in a hat and see what happens - literally open to everyone who’s going to study or is studying in the USA. Talk about easy. Like Scholarship Points, you’re the product.
CGTrader is a 3d modelling company, but opens up their scholarship to students who would like to write about the future of technology. Pretty easy and broad application process for a good reward.
University Scholarships don’t always have to be a burden. Thousands of opportunities are available to you, you just need to research them. Sure some of them will be difficult, but this article has hopefully illustrated how easy applying for money can be.
If you’d like advice on which scholarships would best suit you and your needs, whether at home or internationally, why not speak to one of our expert academic advisors? We’ll help guide you through your options and get you the best financial aid for your time studying overseas.
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