Beating the Odds: Crimson Education’s Class of 2028 Acceptance Rates

05/10/202415 minute read
Beating the Odds: Crimson Education’s Class of 2028 Acceptance Rates

Last year marked a significant milestone for Crimson Education — our ten-year anniversary.

While we celebrated this milestone as an organization with readers at the end of 2023, the true highlights came as offer letters rolled in for the Class of 2028. Not only were Crimson students gaining admission to their top-choice schools, but an astounding number saw doors open to the Ivies, the top 20 US schools (non-Ivies), and even Cambridge and Oxford.

We're incredibly proud of our students and the dedicated Crimson team members supporting them on their college journeys. They say numbers don’t lie, and to ensure absolute transparency, we are proud to be the only college admissions consultancy to have our results independently audited and certified by one of the Big Four accounting firms.

What did we find? Statistically, Crimson students were accepted to top schools at rates 6.75x higher than their peers. And that’s on average. At some schools, our students’ success was even more astounding. So keep reading and see for yourself what our students accomplished!

Class of 2028 Admissions Success: By the Numbers

In March and April the final admission offers for the Class of 2028 were mailed, opened, and in case after case celebrated by our students.

With our students’ successes now tallied and stamped for approval by auditors, it’s clear the combined efforts and steadfast dedication of our team members and the students they advise have culminated in extraordinary success.

Below, we’re going to show you exactly how Crimson student acceptance rates for the Class of 2028 stack up compared to general admission rates at some of the best schools in the US.  We think you’ll be amazed at the difference Crimson’s expert advisor network and personalized advising model make in our students’ lives.

For example, Crimson students applying to the Ivy League beat the odds by 6.75x overall, compared to general acceptance rates for the same schools.

We stand by our numbers too. All the results we're sharing have been independently verified by one of the big four auditing firms.

So keep reading and check out this year's numbers… And, remember, we get results like these for young scholars from more than 100 countries around the globe. That means, in addition to professionalism and transparency, our specialists have valuable knowledge and insights to offer, making Crimson Education the best choice to get tangible results for your own college journey.

“Crimson supported me in making every part of my application as good as it could be. It was their engagement that made those acceptances all that more special.”

- Abby (Verified Crimson Trustpilot Review)

Crimson’s Class of 2028 Ivy League Admit Rates

Crimson students performed exceptionally well this year, securing hundreds of offers from top-tier schools during early and regular round application cycles for the Class of 2028.

Offers gained from Ivy League schools were no exception. What’s truly remarkable is the measure by which Crimson students beat the odds overall despite today’s super competitive admissions landscape:

  • The number of Crimson students admitted to the Ivy League increased by 33%, compared to last year’s admission statistics.
  • The overall Ivy League acceptance rate for Crimson students was around 31%, compared to an average 4.2% Ivy League general admission rate.
  • Crimson students applying to the Ivy League for the Class of 2028 beat the odds by 6.75x overall, compared to general acceptance rates for the same schools.
Crimson's USA Class of 2028 Ivy League Admit Rates
UniversityGeneral Admit RateCrimson US Admit RateTimes Better

Excelling Beyond the Ivies

While Ivy League schools are often the highlight, our students also excel at top non-Ivy institutions, including schools as selective as Stanford and MIT.

Our network of experienced strategists and Former Admissions Officers can provide expert insights that are also personalized. This ensures every application a student submits, across any number of prestigious universities, both public and private, is tailored to get the best results possible.

Crimson's USA Class of 2028 Top Non-Ivy Admit Rates
UniversityGeneral Admit RateCrimson US Admit RateTimes Better
Johns Hopkins~6.2%38.5%6.2x
UC Berkeley~10.8%58.6%5.4x

Across these eight outstanding universities, Crimson students experienced a 37% acceptance rate compared to the average 6.5% acceptance rate, beating the odds at these highly selective US schools by about 6x.

Crimson's Legacy of Success: Exceptional Results Year After Year

At Crimson Education, our commitment to meeting and beating expectations isn't just a yearly goal — it's a consistent promise upheld across all our years of operation.

That said, we've also raised the bar each year, striving to make every new class surpass the accomplishments of the last. This legacy of success is a testament to our effective strategies, our comprehensive model, and the hard work of our students and their committed advisors, strategists, mentors, and tutors.

Crimson's All-Time Acceptances
Offers to the Ivy LeagueOffers to the Ivies + US Top 10Offers to the US Top 50Offers to Oxford & CambridgeCrimson student acceptance rates at top universities vs. general applicant rate

Unmatched Acceptance Rates with Unparalleled Professionalism and Trust

Crimson Education has an exceptional track record. No other college admissions consultancy can match the outcomes our students experience; proof that the expertise of our Advisor network, our personalized and holistic approach to application prep, and our students’ high levels of motivation are an unbeatable combination.

Today, our successes and claims are more than just promises; they’re backed by real results and high levels of client satisfaction.

Unparalleled Customer Satisfaction: Across more than 118,000 reviews, Crimson Education has earned an impressive 4.74 out of 5 stars on average. This exceptional score is a testament to the passion we have for helping students around the world overcome impressive odds in pursuit of transformative educational opportunities.

Impeccable Transparency:: We’re immensely proud of the results we get for our students, but in our commitment to transparency,  we’ve gone the extra mile to provide the highest level of assurance possible.

The acceptance rates experienced by our students, like those we've just shared, are now independently verified by one of the big four auditing firms. This makes Crimson Education the only leading college admissions consultancy with independently verified results, ensuring our track record is one you can count on.

Next Steps…

If you’re already part of the Crimson network, you know about our professionalism, comprehensive approach, and personalized strategies.

If not, you may be wondering if partnering with Crimson is right for you. In which case, we want to encourage you to find out more.

Explore Crimson’s Unique Approach

Typically students who get connected with Crimson earlier on their college journey enjoy better outcomes. Start with a free consultation with one of our application specialists. It’s the perfect opportunity to discuss your goals and understand how our tiered and personalized programs and services can work for you.

Consider the Value of Your Future

When evaluating the cost of college planning services, consider it in terms of return on investment. Attending a prestigious university can significantly influence your career and personal growth opportunities. Investing in Crimson’s admissions counseling is not just about gaining admission — it’s about educational opportunity and setting a foundation for other lifetime successes and experiences.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

When aiming for excellence, the importance of strategic preparation is hard to overemphasize. By partnering with Crimson, you benefit from our expertise right from the outset — whether you’re beginning to shape your school list, honing your application profile and materials, or refining your application essays as deadlines approach.

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Final Thoughts

Our Class of 2028 students are now poised to turn their dreams into reality, as a result of their hard work and our support. Thanks for celebrating with us!

We hope this glimpse into their success inspires you to consider how Crimson can elevate your college journey.

Whether you're in middle school, starting high school, or soon to be starting your own college applications, we look forward to being a partner on your journey to excellence!

And… Don’t worry. As remarkable as our team members are, they’re easy to talk to and happy to walk you through our many services and resources. So schedule your call today and together let’s put your college journey on a track to success.

What Makes Crimson Different