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Online extracurriculars for middle school students during COVID

27/12/20214 minute read
Online extracurriculars for middle school students during COVID

I’m sure you will agree with me that the world of education got turned upside down in the beginning of 2020. Many parents, students, and communities are wondering how and where to find online extracurriculars for middle school students during COVID. 

The first thing to consider is whether or not your child’s current school is a good fit for them, especially during this time. Is this school providing your student with the correct kind of online support and remote activities? If your child’s current school does not align with the path you want to be on, a change is needed. This does not mean you have to change schools entirely. An option could be to have your child take more advanced coursework through an external provider, such as the Crimson Global Academy, to build up in areas where they naturally excel. However, if there is a subject that your child is struggling with due to COVID-19, go for online tutoring. If your child thrives better with face-to-face learning, try setting up group study sessions with classmates after school hours or on the weekends.

Remember that it’s also important to maintain extracurriculars during this time - virtual or otherwise. While many students’ first option is to go virtual for as many activities as possible that you still wish to continue, we know that the efficiency of that option depends upon the nature of the activity. For example, doing a coding class online would not be too different from in-person learning as coding is performed on computers and students who take naturally to such pursuits are usually ahead of their classmates in the use of technology. On the other hand, an activity such as karate class may vary greatly online as the teacher can’t physically change students’ forms when required, and there are no options for in-person sparring. In this case, you may need to modify your student’s extracurriculars. While your student might not be able to spar with a partner in karate, they can still maintain their fitness levels by going for a run, doing bodyweight exercises at home, or even joining a gym if your location allows and your family deems it safe. It is not the same as karate class, but your student is demonstrating perseverance and it will be easier to pick up on the activity again once it resumes. A similar case can be argued for activities such as speech and debate – now might be a good time to research virtual debates via Zoom with friends. Having informal practice is a great way to show that your student is not a quitter and still wants to pursue their passions. Your student could also create a blog about a topic they are passionate about, make a video channel documenting their journey in a particular discipline, or pass on the knowledge that they have by serving as a mentor to younger children in their community. All of these actions will help keep your student sane as well as showcase their ambition, commitment, and talent on a college application when time comes. 

Finally, holiday break plans are another concern amongst many students as activities such as summer camps have ceased in many places around the world. Some summer camps have gone virtual, but it is up for you to decide if your student will benefit from that or if they need a break from digital schooling. Another option, should funds and travel restrictions allow, is to consider travel to a part of the world where summer camps are allowed and sign up there. Alternatively, your child could pursue a self-study on a topic they are interested in and keep track of it via a project, journaling, etc. For more ideas, I also strongly suggest those currently with Crimson to work with their Strategist and explore the ECL opportunities link that’s accessible from your profile – you do have a whole world available at your fingertips if you approach it with an open mind! 

Your friendly neighbourhood Rise blogger, 



Learn more about Crimson Rise’s strategic mentorship, academic support, and extracurricular coaching for young students, and request a free consultation on your child’s journey!