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Examples Of Extracurricular Activities That Look Great On College Applications

21/11/2023•25 minute read
Examples Of Extracurricular Activities That Look Great On College Applications

You'll get into a top college if you get good grades and achieve high test scores, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, many high school students believe grades and test scores are the only pieces of the college application that matter. They spend all their time studying and spend very little time on extracurricular activities. While grades and test scores matter, the college application contains many important sections, including the extracurricular activities list, designed to give admissions teams a holistic picture of you.

What are Extracurricular Activities?

An extracurricular activity is anything that falls outside the scope of a regular curriculum. It typically doesn't carry academic credit but can be related to school. For example, athletics and student clubs are considered extracurricular activities. Hobbies, interests, and volunteer work outside of school are also considered extracurricular activities.

Why do Extracurricular Activities Matter?

College admissions officers evaluate applications holistically, considering grades, test scores, extracurriculars, essays, and letters of recommendation. A well-rounded background is crucial. While academic achievements are important, the role of extracurriculars is increasingly significant. In a competitive landscape, with rising application numbers and many students boasting excellent grades and scores, extracurriculars help distinguish a candidate.

Participation in extracurricular activities often demonstrates key character qualities and professional skills sought by admissions officers, such as drive, leadership, passion, commitment, and time management. These skills, typically not learned in an academic setting, are developed through active involvement in high school extracurricular activities.

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Types of Extracurricular Activities


Examples: Corporate Internships, Non-Profit Internships, Government Internships, Research Internships, Medical Internships, Legal Internships, Engineering Internships, IT Internships, Marketing Internships, Environmental Internships.

Where to Find: Internships can be found through university career centers, company websites, professional networks like LinkedIn, internship-specific platforms, and industry-specific job boards. Local government and community organizations also offer internships in various fields.


Examples: Writing Contests, Science Olympiads, Math Competitions, STEM Challenges, Debate Tournaments, Art Competitions, Music Competitions, Coding Hackathons, Environmental Science Fairs, Robotics Competitions.

Where to Find: These competitions are often organized by educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and professional societies. Schools and universities frequently provide information on upcoming contests. Additionally, online platforms and community bulletin boards are great resources for finding national and international competitions.

Arts and Creativity

Examples: Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Design, Creative Writing, Fashion Design, Film Making, Ceramics, Choir, Digital Art, Theater Production.

Where to Find: Explore these in community centers, art schools, cultural organizations, and schools. Local libraries, community bulletin boards, and online platforms also offer resources.

Science and Technology

Examples: Robotics, Computer Programming, Science Fairs, Astronomy Clubs, Environmental Science, Tech DIY Projects, Amateur Radio, Engineering Competitions, Cybersecurity Clubs, Biotech Clubs.

Where to Find: Available in schools, universities, local tech centers, maker spaces, community colleges, and online communities.

Community Service

Examples: Volunteering at Shelters, Organizing Charity Events, Environmental Cleanups, Reading to the Elderly, Community Gardening, Mentoring Programs, Food Banks, Health Campaigns, Community Art, Tutoring.

Where to Find: Seek opportunities through NGOs, community centers, religious institutions, schools, and local volunteer offices.

Sports and Physical Activities

Examples: Team Sports, Individual Sports, Martial Arts, Yoga, Dance, Gymnastics, Swimming, Track and Field, Adventure Sports, Fitness Clubs.

Where to Find: Join through school teams, local sports clubs, community centers, and private clubs.

Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Examples: Student Government, Debate Club, Entrepreneurs Club, Model UN, Junior Achievement, Youth Board, Leadership Workshops, Social Entrepreneurship, Investment Clubs, School Newspaper.

Where to Find: Find these in schools, youth organizations, business programs, and online educational platforms.

Academic Clubs

Examples: Math Club, Science Olympiad, Language Clubs, Chess Club, History Club, Literature Club, Philosophy Club, Geography Bee, Academic Decathlon, Coding Club.

Where to Find: Mostly in educational settings, public libraries, community centers, and online communities.

Cultural Activities

Examples: Cultural Exchange, International Film Clubs, World Music, Cultural Cooking, Pen Pals, Language Learning, Cultural Dance, International Relations Club, Global Affairs Symposium, Ethnic Heritage Societies.

Where to Find: Engage with these through cultural institutions, community centers, schools, language centers, and online platforms.

Examples Of Extracurricular Activities From Successful Ivy League And Top University Admits

Below is a sample list of extracurricular activities (divided into categories) that Crimson students have done that helped them get into Ivy League and other top universities.


Extracurricular ActivityDescription
Intern, CongresswomanInterned in Washington DC in a team of three; wrote 25+ letters addressing constituent concerns; attended 20+ hearings & briefings.
Intern, Bilateral Safety Corridor CoalitionSpread awareness & outreach regarding human trafficking; delivered 5+ bilingual seminars at the Mexican Consulate on recognizing signs of forced labor trade.
Intern & Office Manager, Ammar Campa-Najjar Campaign Managed day-to-day tasks such as training volunteers for a congressional campaign; crafted promotional materials in English & Spanish.
Participant, Entrepreneurship Summer ProgramConceptualized & prototyped smartband for people w/ panic disorder; conducted market research w/ 281 ppl; devised business plan; pitched to 8 investors
Summer Research Intern, News ServiceResearched on Recurrent Neural Networks (NN) for automatic identification of named entities in local language; worked on an NN architecture to enhance accuracy
Intern, Law Firm1 of 4 selected interns; competition department; conducted economic research and prepared memos


Extracurricular ActivityDescription
Founder & Leader, Fun Maths Problem Solving SocietyRecruited 40+; weekly problem-solving sessions' divided sets from "Superbrain Collection"; invited guest speakers; shared passion for maths.
Competitor, Various Maths CompetitionsQualified for British Maths Olympiad in Y12; qualified for Intermediate Maths Olympiad in Y11; High Gold Intermediate Maths Challenge in Y11.
Team B Captain, National Ocean Sciences BowlOrganized biweekly practices & prepared a team of five for competition; expanded knowledge on environmental science topics such as Maine policy & geography.
Student, College PrepBehavioral Neuroscience (received A+, 3 credits); Social Psychology (A, 3 credits); wrote analysis on "Narcissism and Social Media"
Founder, Neuroscience SocietyLed weekly workshops; recruited 16 members; campaigned during Science Awareness Week for neuroscience; shadowed clinical neurologist
Author, Physics Study GuideSpent two years compiling strategies to approach the study of physics; wrote a 50-page study guide; released ebook for free; reached 3000+ downloads

Community Service

Extracurricular ActivitiyDescription
Vice President, Kalliope Organization CommitteeInitiated school's first charity green fashion show; liaised with designers, models and performers' attracted 600+ audiences; raised 1K+ for bursary fund.
President and Founder (Volunteer)Founded a youth-run charity that prophecies literature opportunities to rural, migrant areas and developing countries that cannot afford English texts.
Violinist (Volunteer)Violinist in a string trip to raise money for NSQ Kids in Need and the Australian Chamber Orchestra Music Education Program for Disadvantaged Kids.
VP of Community Service, Int. Student AssociationHosted orientation events for 100+ students; organized fundraisers for international social issues; raised money for Save the Children
Volunteer & Fundraiser, Service TripOver $10,000 through various fundraising; assembled school supply care packages; crafted lessons & taught at schools in East Timor
Vice Chair, NGOSupervise 20 students; liaise with NGO for goal setting; lead development of a machine to convert plastics into bricks to address pollution

Extracurriculars Around the World

Social Justice

Extracurricular Activity Description
Community Leader, Oaktree (largest youth-led organization)Worked closely with CEO to develop alternative curricula to use in developing countries; raised AUD 5K.
Secretary and Spokesperson, Cancer Action NetworkAdvocated NSW government to pass legislation for AUD 100M for palliative care access to lower socioeconomic classes.
Co-President, Tikkun Olam (Jewish cultural group)Organized a field trip to the Holocaust museum for 100+; planned Holocaust awareness assembly with 400+; planned cultural events promoting Jewish heritage.
Founder, Child Rights GroupWorking w/ NGOs in India to develop computer solutions aimed at addressing issues like child abuse & food deprivation; running a crowdfunding campaign
Founder and Executive Director, Special Needs CharitySet up chapters and operation in 7 countries, led inclusion campaign with 20 organisations, published regional school council journal article, keynote speaker at International event.
Regional Director, Climate Activist GroupSpoke for 7000+ viewers, organised an event with 43 countries, helped organise a global activism day.


Extracurricular ActivityDescription
Cross Country, Cross Country CaptainLeading the cross country squad/finishing second in the competition; qualifying for the independent school's representative team.
Basketball, Power Forward in First/Second SquadPlaying in the firsts and seconds throughout the basketball season in the highly competitive GPS/CAS competition.
Lacrosse, Defenseman, MDCHS Crusaders Varsity LacrosseAttended daily practices; started in games twice a week; chosen as captain in three games during the season.
Team Captain and Starting Pitcher, SoftballStarting pitcher; elected team captain in Junior year; planned and led practices with coaches; learned a brand new sport
Team Manager, JV Girls BasketballOrganized game schedule with opposing teams; managed scorebook during games; assisted coaches with managing practices
Player, Netball TeamSchools Grade Grand Finalists 2017; Semifinalists 2016; Semifinalists 2015; promoted to offensive play due to improved fitness & fundamentals


Extracurricular ActivityDescription
Connections, Royal National Theatre of LondonSelected to an international network of dramatists and actors; attended workshops; performed in theatre festivals (including Brazil Connections Festival).
House Drama Captain, Playwright and PublicistSchool performing arts festival; wrote, directed, organized rehearsals, lighting/sound for a school play.
Musical Theatre Group, MemberVocal coaching, backstage, jazz/tap/contemporary dance training and acting with former Broadway actors. Restaged musicals in Off-Broadway theatres.
Lead roles, Drama and Stage ProductionsAuditioned and selected to perform in the Hindi Street Plays and Drama Productions; performed as a dancer in the Dance Production


Extracurricular ActivityDescription
Co-President, School Music CouncilLed team of 20 students to organize & promote 20+ events all across campus; vocal & jazz concerts, musical showcases; coordinated with music faculty
Co-President, Acapella GroupLed team of 17 all girls performers; arranged all pieces; arranged performance opportunities within school: revisit days, fundraisers, concerts
Alto Singer, ChoirWeekly practices; 6 performances a year, including during revisit days, choral concerts, and Christmas gatherings
Violinist, Member of First ViolinsGrade 7 with Merit Trinity London Certificate; AMEB Theory of Music Grades 1-4; played in Symphony, Senior Chamber, Chamber and Studio Orchestras
Classically Trained PianistDiploma in Piano with Distinction; AMEB CMus Diploma; 2nd and 4th place for Open Piano Solo '16 and '18
Classically Trained CellistAuditioned & selected for Youth Orchestra Philharmonic; lead cellist semi-pro orchestra; Regional School Spectacular Orchestra

For even more extracurricular activity lists that got Crimson students into schools like Stanford, Yale, Princeton, UChicago, and more, and our top five tips on negotiating the Activities section in the Common app, check out our popular 15 Successful Activities Lists eBook.

Examples of Extracurricular activities of successful students who got into top universities

How Do Colleges Evaluate Extracurriculars?

Most colleges allow any activity outside of classes to count as an extracurricular. It doesn't matter if the high school endorses the activity or if it's an activity you do through another organization or even on your own.

The type of extracurricular doesn't matter as much as why you're doing it. Colleges want to see you use extracurriculars to pursue your passion, experience something meaningful, increase your knowledge in your academic interest, or showcase your leadership abilities. Admissions teams want to know what you've learned, how you've grown, and how you might add depth and breadth to their student body.

How Many High School Extracurricular Activities Should I Participate In?

Don't be tempted to sign up for every club, participate in all sports, babysit, start a part-time job, and volunteer. The quality of your extracurriculars matters much more than how many are on your list. Colleges aren't looking for a laundry list of extracurricular activities. They're more interested in how these activities shaped you as a person. The commitment you show in your high school extracurriculars over a more extended period means more than being a member of many clubs for a short period.

Participating in dozens of extracurriculars is not necessary. While there is no perfect number of extracurriculars, the Common App only gives you ten tabs on the Activities List page. If you're near the end of high school, there's a high likelihood that you have participated in at least 10 extracurriculars over your four years in high school, so you should narrow down your list to the ones that mean the most to you and your future goals.

If you're in the early years of high school and trying to figure out which extracurriculars to join, here are some questions you can ask yourself before you add another extracurricular to your schedule.

  • Is it related to my future career goals?
  • Will it build my character?
  • Is it helping someone or something bigger than myself?
  • Do I enjoy it?
  • Will it teach me something?

How Crimson Pathfinder Can Help With Your Extracurricular Activities

Crimson recently launched Pathfinder - a comprehensive in-app tool that helps you quantify the value of your achievements, including extracurricular activities, and helps you prepare for college.

Contained within the Crimson app, Pathfinder is a master list of everything you can do during school to increase your chances of admission to top universities. Pathfinder includes over 280 goals, each with an assigned point value based on how much admissions officers will value that achievement.

Pathfinder ensures you stay on track between now and when you apply to college. It accurately predicts your admission results (based on your achievements) with unbelievable accuracy. Combined with guidance from your personalized strategist, you'll become a master of your university applications!

Introduction to Crimson Pathfinder

Final Thoughts

Crimson's extracurricular mentors are graduates from the top universities our students aim to attend. Our mentors take great care in helping students build an impressive extracurricular profile. These profiles are essential to the application and show admissions officers that our students are passionate, active members of their communities who will ultimately be great contributors on campus.

Ready to tackle your activities list? Learn more about our US Admissions Program or Contact Crimson to get started!

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