How To Answer The 2025/26 Common App Essay Prompts

07/03/202535 minute read
How To Answer The 2025/26 Common App Essay Prompts

The Common App essay prompts remain the same for 2025–2026, allowing students to benefit from existing resources and past advice. The biggest change is in the Additional Information section, where a broader “Challenges and circumstances” prompt replaces the separate COVID‑19 question, and the word/character limits have been reduced. This update encourages students to share diverse personal challenges while still adhering to more concise responses. All other aspects of the main essay prompts and guidelines stay the same, providing consistency for applicants as they craft their stories.

What’s New in 2025/26?

The Common App announced that the 2025–2026 essay prompts will remain unchanged from last year. This should be seen as an advantage for students who can draw upon inspiration from past admission cycle examples.

However, there is a key update in the Additional Information section. Instead of a separate COVID‑19 question, the prompt has been expanded to “Challenges and circumstances.” This broader question lets you share personal experiences such as family disruptions, housing instability, discrimination, or difficulties accessing a quiet study space and reliable technology.

Also, note that the word/character limits for this section have been reduced. For first-year applications, the limit is now 300 words (down from 650), and for transfer applications, it’s 1500 characters (down from 3500). If your response exceeds the new limit after August 1, you’ll receive an error message prompting you to adjust your submission.

The Common App continues to review essays and feedback from students, counselors, and educators. While the main prompts stay the same, these updates reflect the ongoing effort to capture the diverse experiences of applicants.

Common App Essay Prompts 2025/26

For the 2025/26 application cycle, the prompts are as follows:

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    Personal Background or Talent

    Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

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    Learning from Challenges

    The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

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    Questioning Beliefs

    Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

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    Expressions of Gratitude

    Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

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    Personal Growth

    Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

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    Passion and Curiosity

    Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

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    Topic of your Choice

    Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design

Additional Information Update

In addition to the main essay prompts, the Additional Information section has been updated. Rather than retaining a separate COVID‑19 question, Common App is now using a broader “Challenges and circumstances” prompt. This new prompt invites you to share any significant obstacles or hardships that have impacted your academic or personal journey. For example, you might discuss:

  • Limited access to a quiet study space or reliable technology
  • Family disruptions, such as job loss, health issues, or the loss of a loved one
  • Housing instability or financial challenges
  • Experiences with discrimination or bias
  • Community disruptions (e.g., violence, protests, teacher strikes)
  • Other personal hardships like natural disasters or significant family responsibilities

General Guidelines for Answering Common App Essay Questions

  1. Word Count: The Common App essay has a word limit of 650 words. It's essential to stay within this limit to ensure your essay is read in its entirety. While brevity is key, make sure you provide enough depth and insight into your chosen topic.
  2. Be Authentic: Admissions officers read thousands of essays. What stands out is authenticity. Write in your voice and be true to your experiences. Avoid trying to write what you think they want to hear.
  3. Proofread: Spelling and grammar mistakes can detract from the content of your essay. Always proofread your work, and consider having a teacher, mentor, or trusted individual review it.
  4. Avoid Repetition: Your essay should provide new information or insights that aren't found in other parts of your application. It's an opportunity to showcase a different side of you.
  5. Stay Focused: While it might be tempting to cover multiple topics, it's better to focus on a single story or idea and delve deep into it. This provides clarity and depth to your narrative.
  6. Reflect: The best essays not only narrate an event or idea but also reflect on its significance. Discussing how it influenced your beliefs, values, or future aspirations adds depth to your essay.
  7. Draft and Revise: Rarely is the first draft the best version. Write multiple drafts, refining your story and message with each iteration.
  8. Avoid Controversial Topics: While it's essential to be genuine, be cautious about discussing highly controversial topics unless you can approach them with sensitivity and depth.
  9. Answer the Prompt: It might seem obvious, but ensure your essay answers the prompt. Admissions officers want to see that you can follow instructions while also showcasing your unique perspective.
  10. Look at Examples: Review examples of essays that have scored well in the past. These successful essays can provide invaluable insights into what makes an impactful and memorable personal statement.

5 Common App Essay Tips

How to Answer the Common App Essay Prompts for 2025/26?

For a detailed look at each prompt, visiting the official common app website is always a good way to make sure you’re following the most accurate and up-to-date information and guidelines before you spend lots of time writing!

Also don't forget to check out our blog featuring many great examples on common app essays from our accepted students for inspiration on how to stand out in your essays!

Prompt 1

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Delving into Your Roots

This prompt beckons you to explore your cultural roots, upbringing, and defining experiences. To spark ideas, consider:

  • Where is your family from, and where did you grow up?
  • Were there cultural elements that played a significant role in your life?
  • What were the defining moments in your upbringing that shaped your identity?
  • Were there specific individuals, artworks, or philosophies that influenced your growth?
  • How did your environment or community mold your interests or talents?

Self-Reflection and Personal Evolution

Reflecting on your identity and its evolution can offer rich material for your essay. If you've experienced shifts in your identity or perspective, delve into the reasons behind these changes and their implications for your future aspirations. A significant event or realization that altered your worldview can be a compelling narrative focus.

Descriptive Lists as Brainstorming Tools

If you're grappling with where to start, jot down phrases or values that resonate with your identity. Words like "compassion," "resilience," or "innovation" can serve as anchors for your essay, guiding your narrative around pivotal experiences that exemplify these traits.

“Writing quality is important for essays, but what helps students stand out more is the depth of their reflections and insights about themselves (and the evolution of those reflections and insights over time, which demonstrate growth). The essays that do that have always been the most memorable and successful.”

- Vincent Lim, US Strategy Consultant at Crimson Education

Narrative Depth Through Personal Stories

Select a story or incident from your life that encapsulates the essence of the chosen descriptive word. For instance, if "cooperation" resonates with you, narrate an instance where teamwork within your family or community led to a significant achievement.

Distinguishing Your Narrative

While the overarching theme of identity might be common, your unique experiences and reflections will set your essay apart. Remember, this essay is an opportunity to showcase aspects of your life and character not evident elsewhere in your application. Avoid redundancy and strive for fresh, engaging content.

Prompt 1 Essay Example

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you then please share your story

As we gazed at our homemade creation, its colors dazzled our eyes.

Each fold told a story. A scene from a puzzle, pieced together, discussions and history, patterns, and art spanning from the prehistoric to modern day were being intersected to form the final answer somewhat correlated to what is asked of me: show who I am. We named it “Our Flag.”

In our staggered semi-circle seating, a moment of decision, pause, and desperation clouded us as the clock struck closer to zero. My finger hovered over each option, trembling, knowing the different consequences that will be met—public shame or public triumph. I clicked the 4th option. A green checkmark flickered across the board, and I heard the announcer’s words: “That’s Right…Flag.”

“Salaam. Namaste. Konnichiwa.” With each greeting, the circle becomes alive. The power of language awakens. Suddenly, we pass around the idea of a multi-lingual greeting. But confusion between the fact that we are building a new “language,” a universal code. Patterns and shapes. Or is it just a series of words?

In the center, “Unity in Diversity.” With each color, a region of the world is represented. A swirl of patterns, an expression of identity. The artistry, reminiscent of indigenous textiles, intricate lines, weaving stories from across continents. Patterns that once seemed random or chaotic now meld to form an unbreakable tapestry.

The day of the unveiling. The final piece is ready. The stitches have been mended. Each piece meticulously placed to represent the roots of who I am: the cultures I carry, the beliefs I hold, the languages I speak, the struggles I’ve faced, and the triumphs I’ve celebrated.

At the center stands a symbol bridging time, from ancient hieroglyphics to modern digital code. Surrounded by segments of tribal patterns, Eastern calligraphy, Western influences, Northern minimalism, and Southern vibrance. Each pattern flows into the next, a story that continues to expand.

I stand before it, arms wide open, gazing at the collage of shapes, patterns, and vibrant hues. I see my grandparents’ migration, my parents’ assimilation, and my own exploration. The threads of my identity—woven from multiple cultures, traditions, languages, and experiences—merge into one.

My flag is not a singular star or stripe. It is the interplay of diverse narratives—some hidden, some pronounced, all relevant. Within it, I find the threads of resilience, the patchwork of identity, and vulnerability turned into artistry.

These are my flags.

I am one person, yet my identity is a rich mosaic. My patterns are woven and sewn by the needle of cumin and saffron flavors, African drum beats, Western philosophies, Eastern mantras, and names under lines of code, and significant pieces of my life. However, like the stars on the American flag, my flag has changed—and can still change.

I have produced multiple versions as I tailor the pattern-less fabric to contain who I am ethnically, ideologically, and intellectually.

While my flag shows who I am, it can change—I change.

Prompt 2

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Prompt 2 requires identifying meaningful obstacles in your life, articulating lessons learned from them, and sharing how the lessons pave the way for future success.

Identifying Genuine Challenges

While it's tempting to narrate minor setbacks, such as narrowly avoiding tardiness, these stories often lack depth and don't offer insights into your character or values. Instead, focus on significant challenges that had a profound impact on your life:

  • Did you experience a major culture shock, like relocating to an unfamiliar place?
  • Were there struggles in building connections or finding friends in a new environment?
  • Did you grapple with personal tragedies, health issues, or other profound challenges?

Embracing Vulnerability

It's natural to want to present your best self, but genuine growth often stems from acknowledging failures and setbacks. Demonstrating how you initially struggled, made mistakes, or even failed but then learned and grew from those experiences showcases maturity and resilience.

“I sometimes read back some of my past students' essays, and they evoke different emotions. Some make me cry. Others make me laugh. The best essays resonate at an emotional level.”

- Vincent Lim, US Strategy Consultant at Crimson Education

Highlighting Personal Growth

Detail how you navigated the challenge. What catalyzed your transformation? Instead of merely stating that you overcame an obstacle, delve into the lessons it taught you.

  • How have these lessons equipped you for future challenges?
  • Would you approach similar situations differently now?

Expanding the Horizon

Challenges aren't always personal. They can encompass broader issues affecting your community, nation, or even globally. Discussing how you and those near to you collectively navigated such challenges, supported one another, and emerged stronger can offer a unique perspective.

Prompt 2 Essay Example

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn?

“Why do we live like this Abuelo?”

In 1979, my grandparents, with their four children, boarded an American military plane to escape the communist war in Nicaragua. Leaving with nothing, my Abuelo invested his time in rebuilding his life from the ground up in Mexico. Having been violated of his liberties, the war demonstrated to my Abuelo the importance of justice and freedom.

Either by talking with us or debating against us, my Abuelo loves to ingrain in the family a sense of free-thinking, one where we, as human beings, acknowledge the need to think critically on the laws and policies of our government. Motivating my thirst to participate, I listened intently to the arguments and rebuttals made. Instilling a curiosity for government, I was encouraged by my Abuelo to begin reading to understand such conversations and debates.

My love for reading began that day. Often reading books and later discussing them, I was introduced by my Abuelo to The Diary of Anne Frank, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and Common Sense at a young age. Debating the moralities and injustices of the governments in the context of these readings, I gravitated towards enlightenment ideals of natural rights and freedoms.

I coursed through the pages of all these books, each one teaching me a new perspective of someplace in history. Digressing into the characters’ challenges and how the government of the time violated their human rights, I began to question my own government’s ability to provide justice and freedom.

In the early 2010s, a war started in Mexico by the Narco Drug Cartels for control of territory. As a result, they attacked the public in a series of terrorism to demonstrate their authority and power.

Often hearing the sound of guns and terror from my home, I witnessed the dead bodies of cartel victims hanging from overpass ledges. Their bodies missing its head were meant as a public display to intimidate the people into obedience.

Sleeping on the cold floor in case of bullets flying through my window, I laid in terror as shots were fired all through the night. Bang.... Bang.... Bang.

Under these circumstances, my rights as a Mexican national were violated by my own government’s unwillingness to protect its citizens. Understanding that my government had failed me, my fascination for natural rights and freedoms catalyzed an ambition to speak up for the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To speak up for the rights of those who cannot. Yet, regardless of any ambitions to fight, a single word would be enough to have my family and me killed by the cartel. As a result, my pursuits for justice in Mexico were silenced by the byproducts of my limitations.

No child should have to witness terrorism in their country. No child should have to feel unsafe and unprotected in their own home. No child should have their rights violated by those who are meant to protect them.

Just like my family, I have had to move countries, leaving everything behind. Yet, the resilience and lessons of my Abuelo—from the readings and debates to the countless analytical questions—have followed my journey into the United States as my fascination to be a voice for the voiceless has continued.

Eighteen years old and understanding that the world does not function linearly, I have the passion and privilege to dedicate my life fighting for civil rights. Unlike the cartel, my fight against injustice is true power. Choosing today, tomorrow, and every day after to fight for my family, teaching me the values of freedom and justice; to fight for my childhood self, witnessing violence; to fight against the violations of human rights in a corrupt country.

I do not see my fight for civil liberties as an option but as an inevitable ending now in the Land of the Free.

Prompt 3

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Prompt 3 is an opportunity to highlight a decisive realization that led you to question or challenge established beliefs while showcasing your ability to act with courage and in accordance with a deep conviction.

Challenging Authority and Norms

This essay explores your journey in standing up against established norms or beliefs. It could be a personal belief ingrained since childhood or a societal norm you felt needed challenging.

  • Did you confront a deeply-rooted cultural or religious belief?
  • Were you influenced by literature, cinema, or personal interactions that made you question your long-held views?

Courting Controversy with Care

While the prompt encourages you to delve into potentially controversial topics, it's essential to approach them with sensitivity and respect. Whether it's politics, culture, or religion, ensure your narrative remains personal, focusing on your journey of introspection and growth.

Navigating Uncertainty

This prompt is as much about the questions as it is about the answers. Reflect on:

  • How did you grapple with the uncertainty that came with challenging established beliefs?
  • Who were your pillars of support or guidance during this period?
  • Are you still on a journey of discovery, or have you found a new perspective?

Attributes of Open-mindedness

Your response will give admissions officers insights into your ability to think critically, remain open-minded, and evolve in your beliefs – qualities highly valued in the academic world.

Prompt 3 Essay Example

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

My friends and I trudged through a crowded Union Station in pursuit of a typical Friday night hangout. Instead of the tourists and Amtrak commuters who usually throng the massive transportation hub, we found ourselves suddenly lost amidst a sea of students. Everywhere I turned, my eyes were met with an abundance of unfamiliar faces in school-branded apparel. Tucked under arms and rested on food court tables were signs that read “Choose Life” and “Stop Abortion Now.” And then it clicked: it was January 21st, the day of the National March for Life that we’d been warned of.

It’s not every day that you encounter such conservatism in an overwhelmingly progressive Washington, DC. Intrigued, we approached a group of them. “Where are you guys from?”

And so it began: an hour-long conversation with pro-life students from Wisconsin in the food court of Union Station. The vast majority were more than willing to sit down with us and talk about their views. The dangers of illegal abortions, Christian principles, rape-related pregnancies, corruption in foster care, and the timeline for human life were among the many topics that were touched upon in the impromptu debate.

Although we didn’t come to a resolution, I gained perspective from the interaction and was able to humanize what I’d previously simply written off as “the wrong side.” Coming from a rather politically homogeneous city, I viewed the experience as a reminder of the importance of divergent viewpoints and conversations that force you to reevaluate your beliefs.

Prompt 4

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Prompt 4 allows you to turn positivity in your life circumstances — as opposed to adversity — into an opportunity to showcase your capacity for gratitude and how gratitude shapes your character and actions.

The Element of Surprise:

Begin by reflecting on moments when someone's unexpected act of kindness caught you off guard.

  • Was it the sheer selflessness of the act, or was it the combination of the gesture and its unexpected nature that evoked gratitude?
  • How did this act redefine your understanding of family, friendship, community, or even the benevolence of strangers?

Delving Deeper into the Impact

While the act itself is significant, the emphasis should be on its ripple effect on your life.

  • How did this gesture reshape your worldview, actions, or aspirations?
  • Did it inspire you to pay forward the kindness or make changes in your life?

“Some of my favorite student essays have a film-like quality. There is a lot more showing and telling. The reader can imagine what the student would be like in person and how they'd interact with others on campus from the life stories that they share. Does the essay pass the "camera test"? Can an admissions officer understand you as a person from your essays?”

- - Vincent Lim, US Strategy Consultant at Crimson Education

Reflect Beyond the Surface

While narrating the act and your immediate feelings is essential, delve deeper into introspection. Reflect on:

  • The broader implications of the act on your understanding of human nature.
  • How did it influence your interactions with others or your contributions to your community?
  • The long-term impact on your values, beliefs, and aspirations.

Prompt 4 Essay Example

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Fallen men dotted the maple and mahogany landscape. Their commander had taken my soldiers hostage, never to see the battlefield again.

When I visited my grandfather three years ago, he introduced me to chess, frequently challenging me to play against him. To a lot of people, this may not sound exciting — it would be the equivalent of complaining “When I visited my grandparents, they made me play sudoku with them for hours on end.” But to us, chess was a form of communication. Language barriers prevented us from speaking with each other directly. And so, my grandfather and I exchanged feelings and thoughts through our glances at the board and anticipation of each other’s chess moves, opening doors to our lives that we wished to convey.

Since then, I have been fascinated with the game of chess. I stayed up late at night to play games of chess against online strangers, obsessed with the millions of openings and game theory positions there was to learn. I checked out books at my public library to learn new tactics, visited local parks to play against fellow chess enthusiasts, and created chess puzzles for my friends and me to solve throughout the day. But most importantly, I was preparing for the next time I played chess against my grandfather, eager to share smiles over the new tactics I had learned since my last visit.

Unfortunately, my grandfather recently passed away earlier this year due to organ failure. Because of the ongoing pandemic, medical professionals in his area were limited, which delayed the delivery of his treatment. I planned to visit him next summer, after graduating high school.

This past summer, I interned at a machine learning laboratory at Old Dominion University. I felt compelled to invest myself in something that would prevent the circumstances that my grandfather dealt with. In a pursuit to expand my knowledge in computational medicine, I worked tirelessly at my research internship to understand machine learning techniques, with the hope of contributing to medical research in the drug discovery process.

After months of learning about computational approaches to expedited drug discovery, I was largely frustrated with the limitations that came with these methods. The vast majority of existing research that automated processes in drug discovery did so by predicting the mechanism of action of a protein drug based on its tertiary structure, three-dimensional data that is not readily available for research settings. Knowing this, I was determined to find an alternative to using tertiary structures as input data. After reading about promising advancements in cytological profiling and drug discovery in an edition of Scientific American, I was inspired to devote a large portion of my junior year to create a machine learning project that predicted the mechanism of a drug with gene expression data, which I compiled from Stanford's Research Repository open data sources. My work was crucial in finding a more-available data alternative to tertiary structures of drugs.

Working alongside graduate students in a machine learning laboratory was a life-changing experience. My involvement at my research internship led me to qualify for ISEF, as well as earn an individual conference proceeding at the 2021 European Conference on Computational Biology, becoming the only and first individual high school student to present at the conference. But most importantly, that research gave me another opportunity to experience the joy of learning and playing chess with my grandfather. Machine learning and computational medicine rekindled my passion for consuming as much knowledge in topics as I can — the same passion I felt before when my grandfather introduced me to chess. I feel confident and challenged, ready to approach any chess position or medical research problem that faces me. Only this time, this feeling will accompany me forever, with my grandfather by my side and at the forefront of my mind, pushing me to pursue the love that he introduced me to.

Prompt 5

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Prompt 5 specifically focuses on moments of realization and their profound impact on shaping one's understanding of self and others.

Choosing the Right Story

Begin by reflecting on pivotal moments in your life.

  • Was there a significant challenge you overcame or an event that reshaped your perspective?
  • Perhaps a seemingly small realization had profound implications for your worldview.
  • While you can choose any event, ensure it's a story that hasn't been extensively covered in other parts of your application.

Depth Over Breadth

While the event or accomplishment is the starting point, delve deeper into its implications.

  • How did this experience reshape your values, beliefs, or aspirations?
  • What lessons did you derive, and how have they influenced your subsequent actions or decisions?
  • Remember, it's not about having all the answers but about showcasing your ability to introspect and grow from experiences.

Navigating the Grey Areas

Life is complex, and personal growth often stems from navigating its intricacies.

  • Avoid painting a picture of having achieved complete clarity or understanding.
  • Emphasize the ongoing nature of personal growth and the continuous journey of understanding.

Prompt 5 Essay Example

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

That moment where the best thing that I had was the opportunity.”

Apparently, this borderline nonsensical sentence is the “optimal” hook- at least according to the generative model I coded based on a database of successful personal statements. Well, I guess I should have known better. But at the same time, I’m not surprised that I tried.

I blame my innate desire to dwell in the absolutes, wherein there is a single best way to do something. When weighing whether to follow through on a wager with my friends, I estimate the expected value of the odds; when choosing what type of cough medicine to take, I review the clinical trials; when composing one of the highest stakes writing pieces I have ever taken on, I rely on a machine to construct the “optimal” response. Unfortunately, as can be observed in my failed attempt at an opening, this style of thinking is not infallible, and its shortcomings are especially pronounced when emulating human experience.

There was a time when these situations that were unsolvable by quantitative methods struck me with unease. It’s the inherent uncertainty that comes with them. The fact that there is no binary solution to the problem- that your answer drifts in the Purgatory between correct and incorrect- from “oh what an interesting point” to “that feels very compelling”. So, I thought that maybe a few lines of code could do this for me. And when it failed, I was back to square one.

But time and time again, when faced with these challenges, my apprehension evolves into a completely different state of mind altogether. Strangely, it’s in these situations where I’m forced to stray from the absolutes that I have found the most gratification.

Sitting on the eight o’clock train, I was faced with a dilemma. I felt like the much less intelligent version of Professor X, reading the crowd, in disbelief that I’m on my way to work in a lab that specializes in analyzing mutations to figure out each and every one of these people on the genetic level. Nevertheless, whenever I dive into conversations with these strangers, I marvel at how impossible it is to truly “figure out” another person. It’s ironic that scientists can break down a person’s body into a set of A’s and C’s and T’s and G’s, but no algorithm, no matter how sophisticated, can capture who they are.

Maybe this is why, when it comes to people, I can never find an absolute answer. Human interaction is defined by the gray area, the uncertainty. In a way, it is the ultimate unsolvable problem. Cracking it has turned into a task that I cannot stay away from.

With that said, I do not believe that I’m looking for an actual solution. The process of building relationships and getting to know the people behind the numbers is dynamic, exciting, and intriguing- a source of gratification that cannot be fulfilled any other way.

A part of me relishes in the comfort that comes with finding the indisputably correct answer and knowing exactly what the next is going to be. But it’s precisely this reason that they can never replace the electrifying feeling that comes with dealing with something as unpredictable as people.

The other part of me craves to see and talk to people every single day: whether it’s engaging in spirited debates with my friends, facing down opponents on the football field, or conversing with co-workers and clients. Here, there is no structure, pattern, or need to worry about having exactly the right answer. One simply just reacts; it’s both refreshing and exhilarating.

So, I really should have known better- my thought process cannot be reduced to a series of undulating functions and networks that converge into a single expression that can draw you into my essay. And personally, I do not think that it ever can be.

Prompt 6

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Prompt 6 focuses on topics or ideas that captivate you to the point that you lose track of time — perhaps as evidence of what kind of topics and lines of inquiry and thought align with your passions, are most natural and compelling for you personally.

Selecting the Right Passion

Begin by reflecting on what genuinely excites you.

  • Is it an ideology that resonates with your core beliefs?
  • An academic topic that you've delved deep into?
  • A fascination with a particular artist, book, or historical event? Ensure that your chosen topic is something you're truly passionate about, allowing your genuine enthusiasm to shine through.

Authenticity Over Pretense

Avoid the trap of selecting a topic merely because it sounds impressive. Admissions officers can discern genuine passion from pretense. The essay should be a reflection of your true interests, not a showcase of academic prowess.

Delving into Personal Experiences

Discuss how your chosen topic has influenced various facets of your life.

  • How has it shaped your daily routines, conversations, or even dreams?
  • Have you taken specific actions or initiatives to further explore this interest?
  • How has this passion influenced your personal growth or future aspirations?

Prompt 6 Essay Example

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

It’s a game for the most cutthroat of spirits. Be vigilant. Be mindful of your adversaries’ vocabulary. Know their strengths but, most importantly, know their linguistic weaknesses. Don’t be charitable to your competitors, no matter their age. Above all, maintain a vacant countenance; you cannot let your rivals know your next move. Play dumb when your supercilious opponent of a father thinks he has caught you in the jaws of “b-u-c-o–”; but let’s be honest, you’re no foreigner to rustic jargon.

The name of the game is “Ghost.” The rules are deceptively simple: each turn, players will offer a letter to ultimately form a word. There are two caveats, however: if the word ends on a player’s turn or if a player doesn’t know the word in question, they lose the round.

I’ve been playing “Ghost” with my father since second grade, a time when his vocabulary was disproportionately larger than mine, making the game infuriatingly unfair and rather unappealing. The colossal vocabulary of a near fifty-year-old man, whose game strategy was replete with affectations aimed to belittle me, trounced the vocabulary of my seven-year-old self. But I was never one to sit idly when faced with a challenge. I wished to extinguish my dad’s undefeated “Ghost” record. And so, I studied. I read. I thrust my nose into the thesaurus. De die in diem, I perused law documents, absorbing legal jargon and latin terms. I commit word after word to memory, a tedious yet satisfying demonstration of my competitive morale.

I eventually systematized this word-learning crusade. During my freshman year, “Build Your Vocabulary” was born, an empirical experiment of sorts. It was my personal dictionary, an eighty-page, margin-reduced testament to my industrious resolve. Ambitious and impetuous, I spent countless hours retaining the dictionary entries of bucolic, antediluvian, internecine, and on. As the matches of “Ghost” continued (and as my losses became more infrequent), I began seeing words transcend the realm of the game and my document.

The more I read, the more I saw these once sterile words, used as mere ammunition to beat my father in “Ghost,” inherit a pulse of their own. The prose in books I read gave momentum to otherwise vapid dictionary entries. Reading the word bucolic, an old friend that had endured in my mind as a mere definition, embedded into Virginia Woolf’s writing, or antediluvian engineered into Jack London’s political pontifications, or internecine woven into the dialogue of Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novels was, frankly, enlightening – a sublime awakening to the potential of language.

These isolated words, thrown together into a single document, were mere bricks – building blocks to a potential masterpiece. Over time, I learned to stack these bricks; I erected vividly imagined houses and eventually constructed kingdoms of mesmerizing streams of consciousness. Words that were once trivial dictionary entries, indistinct, undeveloped, and divorced from a much-need succession of elegant prose, became nuanced tools utilized in the vibrant mosaic of language.

What started as a vindictive flame, an infernal desire to win a game of “Ghost” against my dad, planted the seed, as luck would have it, of a newfound comprehension of literature. Writing is a skill with immeasurable power, a power that can fashion abstract universes and craft innovative plots. With each word I learn and book I read, I make sense of the eternal welter of knowledge that lodges in the great, incorporeal web of writing.

There was a time when winning a game of “Ghost” against my dad was a Sisyphean endeavor; I hadn’t a chance. After years of assembling a personal dictionary and embarking on ceaseless reading sprees, I am not only an improved writer but a more formidable opponent. All those legal phrases, all those words, have led me here: when it comes to the game of “Ghost,” my dad and I are on equal footing – or as my ninth-grade self would say, pari passu.

Prompt 7

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design

Prompt 7 is the most open-ended of all, allowing you to venture into any topic of your choice, making it both an exciting and challenging option.

Embracing the Freedom

This prompt offers unparalleled freedom, but with that comes the responsibility of selecting a topic that is both engaging and meaningful.

  • Reflect on experiences or ideas that have profoundly impacted you.
  • Consider moments of personal growth, challenges overcome, or unique perspectives you hold.

Depth Over Breadth

While the temptation might be to cover a broad topic, focus on specific moments or ideas. Dive deep into introspection, exploring how these moments have shaped your worldview and aspirations.

Engaging Your Personal Voice

Your unique voice is your most potent tool here.

  • Ensure your narrative is genuine and resonates with your personal experiences and beliefs.
  • Avoid trying to fit into a mold or writing what you think admissions officers want to hear.

The Journey of Growth

Colleges value growth and potential. Reflect on:

  • How your chosen topic or experience has influenced your personal growth.
  • The lessons you've derived and how they've shaped your aspirations and future endeavors.

For more examples on common app essays check out our blog featuring many great examples of common app essays from accepted students.

The Importance of the Common App Essay

The Common App streamlines the application process, allowing students to apply to multiple institutions using a single platform. One of the most crucial components of the Common App is the personal essay.

The essay isn't just another box to tick off in the application process; it's a pivotal opportunity for submitting a more compelling and memorable application.

While grades, test scores, and extracurriculars provide a quantitative view of an applicant, the essay offers a qualitative glimpse into their character, aspirations, and experiences. It's the space where students can transcend numbers and voice their unique stories, challenges, and dreams.

The Common App essay can account for up to 30% of the importance of a college application, based on its weight amongst all other factors.

What US universities look for in your university application

In a sea of applications, the essay is the student's chance to showcase their personality, values, and the experiences that have shaped them. It's a canvas where they can paint a vivid picture of who they are and what they bring to the table.

In essence, the Common App essay is more than just words on a page; it's a reflection of the individual behind the application. Your essay is a vital opportunity to stand out as an applicant — with the power to turn an application from ordinary to extraordinary.

Final Thoughts

The college application process is a unique opportunity to showcase who you are beyond grades and test scores. The Common App essay is a testament to your journey, passions, and the experiences that have molded you.

Everyone has a distinct story; this platform is your chance to narrate yours. Approach it with authenticity, introspection, and a genuine desire to convey your essence.

Not sure if your essay captures your essence? Want to ensure it stands out in a sea of applications? Get your essay reviewed by our team of experts to ensure it resonates with admissions officers.

And if you're at the beginning stages of your college application journey, consider booking a free consultation with our seasoned college counselors.

We're here to guide you in building a holistic application that amplifies your chances of acceptance at top-tier universities. Your dream college is within reach; let us help you get there.

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